
It's been way too long!

Wow, I haven't blogged in a long time. Sorry about that!

I am just full of happiness right now. The kids are doing so wonderful. Lucas repeats everything you say. He is such a good little talker. Though, we are working on not hitting, pushing, taking... you know.. normal 1 year old issues! lol. Hes thriving in every way!

Get ready for this... my little girl is in the process of potty training. Autumn is doing FANTASTIC. Give it a few more weeks, and we will be ready to go! Its so wonderful, but sad at the same time. Its just yet another step to independence and not needing mommy any more! How bittersweet. Autumn will be going to tge endocrinoligist on March 23rd. We need to figure out why she has been losing hair. She also has her yearly check up with her orthopedist on that day as well. She just has to get an X-Ray to make sure her hips are still growing as normal. Which, I'm pretty sure they are, 'cause nothing stops that little fireball.

Autumn, Mommy is SOOOOOO proud of you. You are beautiful, smart, witty, funny, fiesty, lovable, caring, kind... everything a mother could ask for in a daughter, I have in you!! I love you so much baby girl!!! <3

Lucas, you are growing up way too fast! Mommy loves you so much, and I love your kisses and your cuddles. Youre the only man in your mama's life, and you sure make me happy. I could stare at your little face for hours. Never stop being you. You're perfect just the way you are.
