
She's growing up!

My "baby" is growing up! Too fast, if you ask me. But alas, they all do! She is such a little cutie pie. She gives the best kisses and is so cute when she is excited to go somewhere and says "Byeeee Byyyyyeee!" :-)

Her and Lucas went with their Daddy today to have a fun-filled day. They may be going to the river, but if they do not... they're just going to go to the Twin Hills Park to splash around.

I love you, babies. I miss you already!


Lucas' 9 month well check up!

Chris took Luke to his 9 month well appt today! I was so sad to not be there with him. I know that having his daddy take him rather than me is perfectly fine with him, but I try to be there for EVERY appt. Luckily he did not have to get any shots today. He will get 4 in December (ouchie), though!!

So here's the news! Lucas weighs 19lbs, 3.5oz, and is 28 inches tall. He is in the 50th percentile. He is absoloutley perfect! His ears look good (thank GOD for that one), and his lungs are fine!! They say he needs more water, and we can now start brushing his teeth (all 3 of them, haha). I truly have no idea where all this time is going to. When you are younger, you think time just DRAGS on. Well, as you get older and have kids, you realize just how fast it goes.

I am noticing more and more how clingy Lucas is. I say clingy because Autumn has just never been the way Lucas is. Autumn has always been independant. She is all about doing things by herself and for herself. Lucas always wants to snuggle, and if sissy upsets him, you had better give him the attention he desires! :-) I cannot believe that in 3 months, my little man will be 1 year old. I love him more and more every day!

- Mommy :-)


Photos :-)

The last 21 months in a short photo display! ( I say short because I have THOUSANDS of photos):

Autumn as a baby:

A little older:

1 year old photoshoot:

Some more:



My first post!

It has been almost 2 years (2 years?!?!?!) since I gave birth to my precious first-born. Autumn is now 21 months old. I will start with her. Autumn has been doing very well. She is happy, fun, and soooo much of a diva. She has quite the attitude, but I mean that in a good way as well. She loves to dance. Preferably, to hip hop! She must get that from her dad!

Times have not always been the best for her, health-wise. At birth, she was diagnosed with bilateral hip displaysia. Luckily, caught early, it's something that can be corrected. Thankfully, it was caught the day she was born. At 10 days old, Autumn was fitted in a Pavlik Harness. It kept her in a position for her hips to grow correctly. After 3 months of non-stop use of the harness (only towards the end could I take her out of it for baths), her displaysia was corrected. She will see an orthopedist yearly until her hips are fully formed (bertween 8-14 years of age).  I am thankful surgery was not necessary!

On top of that, at 8 weeks old, she contracted RSV and was hospitalized for 5 days. Ever since, she has had so may respiratory problems. We are now aware that she has asthma, so it's under control with albuterol via nebulizer treatments!

Theres one more thing (I know what youre thinking... POOR BABY, lol). Around 12 months old, Autumn started getting ear infections. They were continuous, and antibiotics were just not doing anything for her. We even found that she is allergic to Omnicef through the process of trying to find something to kill the infections. Anyway, In July, she finally got tubes placed in her ears. Her ears were completley filled with fluid/guck. The Dr said that the constistency of the stuff he took out was that of syrup. My poor baby! She is doing well now, and has had no infections since and we are looking into speech therapy. For so long, she was hearing like she was under water, which has affected her speech.

Otherwise, Autumn has been wonderful. I could not imagine my life without her. She is happy, spunky, and everything wonderful that a little girl should be. Recently, I started painting her fingernails and toenails. Now when she sees the nail polish, she DEMANDS that I paint them. She even got upset with me that after I painted them, I had nothing else to paint, haha! I will post more on her later. I have so many stories about her. It would be too much for one blog.

Lucas. What can I say? He is my little angel. He is sweet, sensitive, happy... just the best little boy a mom could ask for.  Its been a quick 9 months and it's not always been easy, but things are just as they should be. I experienced post pardum depression with Lucas, which is unfortunate. But, all is better now, and I could not imagine not seeing his precious little face every morning. Just to inform everyone, Lucas has also been diagnosed with vesicouretral reflux. Its a kidney condition. It is under control at the moment with antibiotics that he takes daily (and probably will take for years).

He is the happiest baby Ive ever met. He recently started making sounds like "mama, dada" and so forth. His personality is emerging more than ever, and he tuly is something else! He is SO close to walking. If he's anything like his sister, it won't be long. Autumn walked at 9 1/2 months!!

I just love him more than anything. He is all over the place, into everything... just as any 9 month old would be!!

I cannot believe how time flies. I am planning a big birthday parties for my babies in December, and I can't wait to celebrate their lives with my family and friends. We have come such a long way in 2 short years and I am very blessed to call them mine. I will blog more later about all of adventures :-)!

- Mommy :-)