
Lucas' 9 month well check up!

Chris took Luke to his 9 month well appt today! I was so sad to not be there with him. I know that having his daddy take him rather than me is perfectly fine with him, but I try to be there for EVERY appt. Luckily he did not have to get any shots today. He will get 4 in December (ouchie), though!!

So here's the news! Lucas weighs 19lbs, 3.5oz, and is 28 inches tall. He is in the 50th percentile. He is absoloutley perfect! His ears look good (thank GOD for that one), and his lungs are fine!! They say he needs more water, and we can now start brushing his teeth (all 3 of them, haha). I truly have no idea where all this time is going to. When you are younger, you think time just DRAGS on. Well, as you get older and have kids, you realize just how fast it goes.

I am noticing more and more how clingy Lucas is. I say clingy because Autumn has just never been the way Lucas is. Autumn has always been independant. She is all about doing things by herself and for herself. Lucas always wants to snuggle, and if sissy upsets him, you had better give him the attention he desires! :-) I cannot believe that in 3 months, my little man will be 1 year old. I love him more and more every day!

- Mommy :-)

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